Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mad Professor

Somebody called me a mad professor today and it made me chuckle.  I have to admit, I kind of felt that it was fitting.  I sit here day in and day out at work, once my work is done of course, at my desk writing.  When I'm at work I go old school with the pen and paper.  I used to be really self-conscious about who would see me writing, hiding, tucked away in a corner so nobody can see what I do.  Now days, I could care less.  This dude sees me in here everyday, no matter what the shift, writing away.  I'll admit, I take a bit of pride in the fact that I can sit in this dirty, dingy place with judgments from all angles and spill my beautiful guts no matter what anyone says.

Sometimes I wonder what others would think if they actually come across one of my "mad scribblings" pages covered ink, an incoherent mess of words.  You see, when I write I just let it go.  I might start 10 different pieces before I have one I want to hold, and see through to the end.  Sometimes I'll piece it all together and somehow it just works.  My method is madness, it suits me well.   

Do you have a particular method to your writing?  I think that the process is just as fulfilling as the end result, and sometimes more so.  I don't show people my unfinished work like this so it's a treat for y'all.  It usually displays some insecurities which I cut out before the finished versions of my work.  Aren't we all a little insecure?  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't.  So this is what I was working on earlier, in all of it's unfinished glory.


  1. Yeah, I get insecure with my unedited writing too. Simply because I haven't pruned away all the little stray thoughts I put onto paper.

  2. I am a scribbler - scribbling here and there all day long. Making little notes to be added later to what I'm writing. Scribble away my friend!!

  3. The rawness of unedited scribbles to me is perfect; beautifully untouched.

  4. An idea gets reworked, metabolized, and concentrated into just the right words. So many words to choose from. I think the art of handwriting may be endangered, but I hide a small scrap of scribble in my wallet to remind me of what it feels like to be shattered.

    "You're a shining star."

    Breakfast After 10
