Saturday, April 13, 2013

Does This Count?


  1. "Everything we think, see or know originates in words." I really like those words, in fact I've jotted them down on paper too. To think about some more.

    This is an interesting stream of thoughts, and I like seeing your handwriting. I've always been fascinated with looking at handwriting of other people. Some people write in print, others in cursive, and some something a mixture of both. Some like blank paper, lined, grid.

    Is this in pencil? Since I was a child I believed I have to write in pen because that's the only way to make sure it will never be erased and therefore remain always "permanent."

    Thanks for sharing like this, that's clever and fun to read.

    1. I wrote that in pen, then when i was done i folded it and put it in my pocket, there's 3 blank sides i could use for random musings.

      As for the part you quoted, it's an idea i think about often. When i read it back to myself it didn't make sense, like my brain couldn't really wrap around what actually happens first, a thought or a word. Or are they one and the same? Thus my mind wanders...

  2. I like those words as well. You just strike me as having cleaner handwriting. ;)
    I use writing as a way to formulate a thought, it helps me from wandering.
    I nominated you for Versatile Blogger. As you know I love what you say... or write.

    1. Me, nominated for something? That's interesting, and flattering.

      Thank you

  3. it counts... mad professor indeed :)

  4. I think your writing suits you. In utter agreement with Lia. You always find a way to make me sit and ponder little curiosities I never would have thought otherwise about. I like hand writing too, compiling lists and writing in my diary are about the only places my handwriting is utilized :)

  5. Dude. Written words are the shit. For realz. I have some on mine, too.
