Saturday, September 7, 2013


Mind drifting with the smoke from my lungs,  I've needed to write for days now.   It's a maddening feeling when your heart wants purge but your brain can't find the words to release. Late nights in the shed,  alone with my thoughts to steep in the intoxicating air around me, I rather enjoy them.   My solitude is golden to me.

I've been hearing a common theme among some bloggers lately and its been on my mind quite a bit.   I have to turn things over in my mind many times before I am comfortable with them, comfortable enough to talk about them.  And this isn't necessarily directed at those blogs I read,  it really applies to most people in general.  People appear to sell themselves short so easily,  they give in and turn to prayer or give up.  I agree that those things alone aren't bad things,  but we as people have a tendency to expect unrealistic things to happen.   Prayer is an interesting thing in my opinion, people set aside these moments to look within and listen for a minute and really focus attention on whatever it may be.  I think it's unreasonable to expect miracles from prayers,  but what I think most people are missing in the moment is the only one they can really talk to, themselves, ourselves. The only one who can set anything into motion on this earth is our very own selves.  Intention is everything, and the minute we give up our power and leave it in the hands of another anything we have essentially removed ourselves from the equation.  Anyone can take anything and perceive it however they like but this quote makes me think that I'm not the only one who thinks this way,  my ideas are not original.

"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth,  so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.  To make a deep physical path,  we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives. " Henry David Thoreau

I don't intend to change anyone's beliefs only offer my experience as new ideas.  I don't know if there is a God or there isn't a God but I do know that the closer I get to me,  the more I know about myself, the closer I'll get to the truth. Often times it takes digging through a mile of shit to get to the bottom of things but the simple reality once you're there is unsurpassed.  I say you,  me and we a lot, I think that everyone can benefit from getting to know themselves better.  I do, however, mainly speak for myself,  I need reminders frequently. The more I frequent that path the more second nature it becomes.  I have gotten
to know me closely,  and though I sometimes lose sight of where I'm going I always find my way back.  I've ventured near the edge a few times in my life and I talk about it so maybe others don't have to go there.

"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us. " Thoreau

"If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. " Thoreau

Sorry, the dude just said it better than I ever will.


  1. I think I know what you're trying to say.
    Thoughts do shape the reality, that's the very basis of where this begins from. But then, that doesn't imply time holds no relevance, from what I've encountered, the time it takes for the reality in your head to turn into reality outside the head, is a while. And this 'while' depends upon the intensity of an individual's perception, plus the efforts that person puts into, to make it alive.
    It's a beautiful world, that runs the way we want, but the question is Knowing.

  2. You're right, time can be discouraging. And the intensity of a person's intention absolutely matters. Knowing is the answer.

  3. Whenever I hear discussion about God I hear one of my favorite sayings of Hermann Hesse: That the one true god is the one within ourselves.

  4. The thing about prayer is that people do it thinking God is a magic genie. They don't go into with a heart open to doing whatever needs to be done, only what they want to happen. the thing about life is that most tines we are called to do painful things in order to reach the spots we're supposed to reach. It's sad that a lot of people use prayer and religion as something that it isn't, but in reality, it's a beautiful concept. I fully believe you are what dominates your thoughts though.

    1. Luckily, more and more people seem to be catching on.

  5. So much that happens to people in the world seems like a waste. And yet, only people that have a darkness to them intrigue me. Being on that edge gives you a perspective that others lack, and it makes you so much interesting.


  6. The mind is so powerful, Ryan. I agree that what we need is within us. It's unfortunate that many folks feel that the answers are outside themselves. I think there's a fine balance between using the outside to find what's inside without becoming blindsided by our own thoughts or any thoughts.
