Monday, December 9, 2013

Prajna* (wisdom)

 I say this December so far is way more like winter than it usually is this time of year, but my recollection is faulty.  True, we've had some mild winters these last 10 years but I'm not hinking of the years before that.  My life here is kind of separated by my time in the Army, I left and came back more of a man than the kid that I was.  It's all rather interesting the way things transpire, and I watch as the snow falls flurrying, inundated with thoughts as individual as the flakes falling before me.  I talk about the things that I find moving, and I'm not always sure that it makes sense to anyone but me.  I can only imagine that one day this, all of my writing here, will get buried within the depths of the internet, discarded in a wasteland of words and broken links that lead to nowhere.  That's kind of true to life though, we build ourselves up only to wither away back to nothing.  Like the earth spinning on its axis, we can't see it but we know it's happening.  Sometimes it's like we're standing too close to the mirror to catch a good overall glimpse of ourselves, and it isn't at all easy to separate mind from body in order to step away far enough to see the whole.

Buddhists have a word for emptiness, sunyata, but there in lies an idea, not just a definition.  Emptiness, by English definition, expresses a negative connotation or lacking.  The idea behind sunyata is that only when empty can one begin to add.  I share a lot of ideas, ideas I don't want to take credit for because they are not my own.  I simply apply them in life, share my experience and express them in the way I understand, and on a one on one basis I adapt the way I talk to the person I am talking to.  I'm learning about people that you can't always deal with everyone the same.  Over time you see about an individual what they need in order for them to hear what you're saying, to speak in a way that their perception can receive.  Wisdom is not in how much knowledge you retain, it's how much knowledge can you let alone.  Knowledge serves a practical purpose in life, yes, but I'll never know so much to not see the difference between ideas and definitions.  "Knowledge is power...," as the saying goes but they left out the rest of it.  A glass half full has room for more.

Haha, so I started with the weather in the Midwest and ended with a lesson in is ALL connected.

*Pranja-In Buddhism, it is especially the wisdom that is based on the direct realization of such things as the four noble truths; impermanence, dependent origination, non-self, and emptiness.

ps.  My original "ps"  was fucking lame so I deleted it,  haha.


  1. sometimes while i'm reading your posts i feel as if i am literally inside your head. i may perceive things differently than someone else reading it, but that's kind of the beauty of it, no?

  2. ps.

    "Sometimes it's like we're standing too close to the mirror to catch a good overall glimpse of ourselves, and it isn't at all easy to separate mind from body in order to step away far enough to see the whole."

    i really like that.

  3. I like how you talk so deep...your words make me think... The idea that we build ourselves up to only wither away...:-/

  4. Your blog made me think of a Buddhist parable that I really like about emptying our cups. I try to remind myself to do that often.

  5. I won't ever end up understanding why do people seek permanence in life when temporariness and flowing are the true pursuits. I mean why would you want to see where your thoughts went, won't you be proud that they formed a part of that long chain of processing thoughts that led to those beautiful outcomes. I don't know what I'm talking about.
    Gandhi said- whatever you do in your life, would be insignificant, but its very important that you do it.

  6. I never liked emptiness; it always seemed that I needed more, needed to know more and do more. It's ironic, I suppose, that I struggled with anorexia, the very epiphany of emptiness. The sign of not needing and being empty. I find that me as my healthy self wants everything a lot. It's hard to let things alone and something I need to learn to do.

  7. I always feel empty but I don't know what to add. I know I need to move forward but to what? That questions scares me more than anything and the last things I want is to see things clearly.

